
You can view our menu of most frequently requested trainings and workshops on Mindset, Management Skills & Leadership, and Mental Health & Well-Being below.

Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for?


Mindset Matters: The Growth Mindset Playbook

Our mindset, or our beliefs about our skills and abilities, has a significant impact on how we approach the world around us. In this program, you will learn the difference between a fixed and growth mindset, how our mindset affects how we experience stress, and how mindset and resilience are fundamentally linked.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset to Reach Your Goals

Research shows that many of the qualities of effective individuals, including setting and achieving goals, are more common in people with a growth mindset. Learn how to harness the power of a growth mindset to set and reach personal and professional goals.

Creating Your Compass: A Values Workshop

Each of us has a unique set of values that guide us through our lives. This program provides a framework to help participants identify their core values, understand how they act and behave in relation to them, and learn to recognize what drives their behavior and how to harness it in their work as a lawyer or legal professional.

Thriving in a Multigenerational Firm

This program raises awareness of the distinctive perspectives, motivations, needs, and expectations of each generation. This program emphasizes the importance of acknowledging these differences while leveraging each generation’s strengths.

Management Skills & Leadership

Buddy to Boss: Transitioning Successfully to Leadership

Getting promoted or moving to a higher-level role is a recognition of your strengths and talents, yet you will need new skills to help you recognize the leadership potential you possess. You will learn how to shift into a leader’s mindset and strengthen your communication, delegation, and feedback skills to truly excel.

Managing Expectations: Making the Most of Your Working Relationships

The key to successful working relationships is understanding and managing expectations: our own and those with whom we work and report. In this program, you will learn the fundamentals of expectation management and how to effectively communicate and manage expectations up, down, and across.

Organizing and Managing Your Time

It often feels like there is more work to do than time in which to do it. This program will help you set routines and build habits that will enable you to manage your to-do’s in a way that fits your style and help you feel in control of your days and weeks.

The Feedback Factor: Giving & Receiving Effective Feedback

The dreaded “F” word, feedback, can be hard to hear and hard to give. Learn the essentials of productive feedback and how to deliver and receive written or spoken feedback. This program can be delivered to feedback givers, feedback receivers, or both.

Effective Communication

Clear communication is one of the most essential skills to master, and yet miscommunication is responsible for many of the challenges we face in life. Learn how to communicate effectively with others by understanding your preferred style and the benefits of flexing to others.

Executive Presence: Building your Brand

Building your presence and brand is a lifelong process, and it can be difficult to get started. Learn how to present yourself authentically and professionally while building your brand by communicating clearly and effectively.

Mental Health & Well-Being

Cultivating Well-being in Life & Work

Well-being and work-life balance are popular catchphrases; however, it can feel impossible to focus on our well-being when we must manage the many demands placed on our time - at work and home. In this program, participants will learn the fundamentals of well-being, how to navigate the challenges that inevitably arise, and create a plan to cultivate well-being and manage their energy to help them reach their goals more effectively.

Managing Stress & Anxiety in Law and Life

This program provides an overview of the challenges and dangers of chronic stress and burnout in the workplace. You will learn how to understand your stress cycle and gain tools to help you manage it and the anxiety that often accompanies it.

Mental Health Matters: Caring for Ourselves and Each Other

This program addresses the importance of paying attention to mental health: not just your own, but that of our loved ones, friends, co-workers, and colleagues. You will learn practical tips and techniques to help you feel more comfortable reaching out to people who may be experiencing a mental health challenge or seeking help if you find yourself struggling.

Mental Health Matters: Essentials for Leaders

This highly interactive workshop is designed to provide leaders with practical techniques for approaching individuals who may be experiencing a mental health challenge. Participants learn how to identify and handle these situations and become comfortable having sensitive, potentially uncomfortable conversations.

Mental Health First Aid Training for Law Firms & Law Schools

In a curriculum developed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, MHFA is a skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand, and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge in adults. Optia brings a deep knowledge of the legal industry to add nuance and perspective to this important training.

Recognizing and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

This workshop provides tools to help attorneys and professionals recognize when they are experiencing Imposter Syndrome. We will discuss the causes of Imposter Syndrome and explore strategies to overcome self-doubt and other confidence-busting behaviors.

Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for?

Contact Optia to discuss a workshop or training customized for your firm’s needs.